Risk prevention and management

Future-proof your company by playing an active role in risk prevention

Our Prevention Department was set up in 2009 to leverage our multidisciplinary engineers’ expertise and experience in risk-management. Today it gives you the guidance and support you need to more effectively protect your company from risks that could jeopardise your business continuity, and allow you to optimise your insurance programme.

With the rising cost of raw materials and energy, compounded by environmental and societal demands and a multitude of new risks such as climate change, pandemics and cybercrime, the swifter pace of change in the economic environment is going hand-in-hand with rising premiums and restrictions on insurance cover, making the insurance market less flexible. This is why it is essential for your company to present the best assets, so that insurance companies will provide coverage on the strength of a risk-prevention approach grounded on an in-depth understanding of your organisation and your business. Verlingue is in a position to give you support and guidance in France and on the international market, to enhance your risk management.

creation of a Risk Prevention Department.
service offerings to meet your needs.
construction projects receive support and guidance each year.
onsite risk assessments performed per year.
Quality certifications: PCA, NFPA, cyber, APSAD, certified trainer.

Mapping our missions

Verlingue’s solutions

Management of the Prevention Plan

As part of our insurance broker advisory role, we also step in throughout the year to provide support and guidance with the identification, day-to-day management and treatment of risks. This includes drawing up your risk-prevention plans and monitoring them over time, running a hotline for any requests concerning property damage, carrying out technical and regulatory intelligence, etc. Following these visits, we provide access to a host of technical documents, such as Best Practice data sheets (what you should and shouldn’t do).

Map your risks to optimise their coverage

Based on risk assessments and targeted interviews conducted by our expert engineers, we can build an operational map of your risks that ranks the priorities for action and comes with recommendations for reducing the financial impact of the vulnerabilities identified. This mapping exercise, which is conducted quite independently of the risk bearers, also gives you reliable technical information that you can use to rank your investments in prevention and protection. Risk mapping also helps you spot recurrent recommendations and subsequently lay down a group standard for prevention.

Guidance and support for project management

Are you planning to make a new acquisition, extend your operations or install equipment to protect your company against fire or malicious damage? We can assist you from the feasibility study through to the completion of installations, to ensure that your company is in compliance with the regulations and the insurance requirements. We are by your side to find technical solutions that are reliable, innovative and competitive, and perfectly suited to your risks and your constraints. We can help you make substantial savings during these assignments, depending on your budget and the scope and scale of the equipment to be installed.

Training in best practices for preventing and protecting against fire and malicious damage

We work with you to construct bespoke training and awareness-raising sessions on risk management, which are tailored to your operations and led by a Verlingue engineer who is a certified trainer.

The voice of an expert

Risk prevention: a key function of risk management

Roland Baudu, Risk Prevention Manager, and Emmanuel Larcher, P&C Insurance Manager, explain how Verlingue guides and supports its clients to defend their interests, helping them anticipate and avert all of their business’s risks through a value-added approach that extends well beyond the bounds of the insurance world.

Manage your risks with Risk@ccess, our new, full-digital tool

Risk@access, which was co-constructed with our customers, helps you more effectively steer your company’s risks and manage, carry out and promote your action plans in your role as Risk Manager. It is a valuable decision aid, since it includes an operational benchmark of all of your sites. Risk@ccess also facilitates interactive communication among risk managers, operational staff and the Verlingue engineers.

The key features of Risk@ccess:

  • Access to all current data for the purposes of risk-prevention engineering:
    • Risk profile of each site (capital, surface area, operations, potential disaster scenario, etc.)
    • Quantitative assessment of the sites
    • Recommendations
    • Key documents
  • View of the history of risk assessments
  • Interactive management of the risk-prevention action plans associated with the recommendations, depending on the users’ rights
  • Dashboards detailing the progress status of each site’s actions, along with a consolidated Group view

Meet our expert

Roland Baudu

Head of Prevention

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